Henri Serre1931-02-26
Jules and Jim1962-01-23
The Fire Within1963-10-15
The French Revolution: Years of Rage1989-05-10
Le Combat dans l’île1962-08-16
Le Détour1970-01-01
La Tisane de sarments1980-09-01
Romance of a Horsethief1971-08-11
Moi, général de Gaulle1990-11-08
O.S.S. 117: Mission to Tokyo1966-10-28
The Verona Trial1963-03-02
Femmes de Paris1953-05-17
A Winter in Mallorca1969-03-21
House of 1000 Pleasures1974-01-16
La vie facile1973-02-22
My Case1986-09-25
Special Section1975-04-23
The Vertical Smile1973-03-19
The Army Game1960-11-25
The Hand1969-12-17
Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard1967-03-16
Svarta fåglar1983-08-26
The Satin Slipper1986-01-08
The Lady from Nowhere1965-05-26
Last In, First Out1978-08-30