Ernesto Alonso1917-03-01
Wuthering Heights1954-06-30
The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz1955-05-19
Price of Glory1949-01-15
The Pharaoh's Court1944-06-08
A Doll's House1954-03-04
La gallina clueca1941-12-04
El Jorobado1943-05-05
The Hex 2: Messengers of Hell1986-10-01
Tragic Weddings1946-05-30
The White Monk1945-10-06
The Young and the Damned1950-12-09
La dama del velo1949-06-01
Otra primavera1950-04-27
Una mujer en la calle1955-02-03
The Port of the Seven Sins1951-11-11
Maternidad imposible1955-05-05
The Virgin who Forged a Fatherland1942-12-11
El cardenal1951-12-31
La cobarde1953-03-05
Crimen en la alcoba1946-10-16
El padre Morelos1943-04-22
The Cockfighter1948-10-27
El globo de Cantolla1944-07-07
La torre de marfil1958-04-11
Mujer de medianoche1952-05-28
Felipe de Jesús1949-08-05
Story of a Great Love1942-09-20
Orquídeas para mi esposa1954-06-01
Every Man’s Woman1946-01-11
Girls in Uniform1951-05-31
Speaking of Buñuel2000-06-09
A Mexican Buñuel1997-01-01