Stanton Friedman1934-07-29
Beyond the Spectrum: Being Taken2018-11-26
UFO's Are Here!1977-01-01
UFOs: The Secret History2010-07-13
Secret Space UFOs Part 1, 20212021-07-30
Six Days in Roswell1998-01-02
The Roswell Coverup: 75 Years Later2022-02-01
Secret Space UFOs - In the Beginning - Part 12022-05-01
Moment of Contact2022-10-18
Out of the Blue2003-06-24
The Braxton County Monster2006-08-17
Flying Saucers Are Real1994-04-04
Flying Saucers Are Real Volume 21996-04-04
The Real 'X-Files'?2015-12-04
UFO's Are Real1979-11-01
Junichi Yaoi's UFO On-site Coverage Vol.1: Horrible Sigma Project—Humans Kidnapped by Aliens1989-01-21
Roswell: The UFO Uncover-up1994-01-01
UFOs: 50 Years of Denial?1997-04-01
The Cosmic Conspiracy1983-09-15