Stano Dančiak1942-10-26
Concert for the survivors1977-02-25
Dvere dokorán1978-06-02
Prípad krásnej nerestnice1974-04-12
Poéma o svedomí1979-08-24
The Champion1979-03-02
Before Tonight Is Over1966-03-25
Build a House, Plant a Tree1980-01-04
Night Riders1981-06-26
I Love, You Love1988-12-03
Salt & Gold1983-02-27
Saint Elizabeth Square1966-01-21
Nylon Moon1966-02-11
Cézar a detektívi1968-02-16
Dialogue 20-40-601968-11-29
It's Better to Be Healthy and Wealthy than Poor and Sick1992-09-11
King Thrushbeard1984-12-01
Jays in the Head1984-09-01
Dážď padá na naše duše2002-05-16
Skrytý prameň1974-01-18
Silent Joy1986-03-01
The Third Dragon1985-12-01