Ēvalds ValtersUnknown
Attack On The Secret Police1976-04-12
The Swamp Wader1966-07-13
Meldru mežs1971-12-13
Naughty Emil1985-01-04
The Fisherman's Son1939-12-02
Tās dullās Paulīnes dēļ1979-12-01
Be My Mother-in-Law!1977-12-05
To Be Unwanted1976-12-21
A Birdless Night1980-06-16
Devil's Servants on a Devil's Mill1972-07-12
The Skylark Shoots First1967-07-13
Captain Enrico’s Watch1967-11-16
Maija and Paija1990-01-01
The Heiress of Werewolves1991-05-25
Egle rudzu laukā1972-10-09
My Frivolous Friend1975-11-26
Unfinnished Dinner1979-09-08
A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve1982-02-01
It's Easy to Fall Into an Overgrown Ditch1986-03-03