Edward Elkas1862-02-08
The Cross Bearer1918-04-01
Chains of Evidence1920-03-01
Joan of Plattsburg1918-03-05
Kitty and the Cowboys1911-10-27
The Awakening of Ruth1917-09-17
The Suspect1916-05-22
Jane's Bashful Hero1916-01-31
The Musical Barber1916-07-17
Who Killed Joe Merrion?1916-01-03
The Oakdale Affair1919-10-06
Phantom Fortunes1916-09-11
The Alibi1916-08-07
The Dawn of Freedom1916-08-14
For the Honor of the Crew1915-11-09
Les Misérables1917-12-03
Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation1917-04-09
A Bit of Blue Ribbon1913-01-04
The Foolish Virgin1916-09-26
When Men Desire1919-03-09
The Woman Under Oath1919-06-29
The Midnight Girl1919-09-01
The Venus Model1918-06-16
Cabman Kate1915-02-01
Too Much Money1926-01-03
The Strange Story of Sylvia Gray1914-10-26
The Birth of a Race1918-01-02
Hitting the Trail1918-12-02
Beloved Adventuress1917-07-16
The Mystery Mind1920-11-01
West of the Water Tower1924-01-06
The Dust of Egypt1915-10-04
The Goddess1915-05-09