Grace Passô1980-05-20
O Nosso Pai2022-11-20
Erva de Gato2023-09-29
The Day I Met You2024-09-26
Falas Negras: Histórias (Im)possíveis2023-11-20
Power Alley2023-10-13
Our Mother was an Actress2023-10-01
Elon Doesn't Believe in Death2017-04-27
Praça Paris2017-10-10
Long Way Home2019-01-17
Dazed Flesh2019-01-18
In the Heart of the World2019-08-01
While We Are Here2019-01-27
Sem Asas2019-06-08
O Segundo Antes da Coragem2020-06-16
To the Moon2020-09-08
De Cabral a George Floyd: Onde Arde o Fogo Sagrado da Liberdade2020-09-11
Elza Soares: A Mulher do Fim do Mundo2017-03-03
A Fúria2024-12-06
Vítimas do Dia2025-01-11