Robin Renucci1956-07-11
The Dreamers2003-09-01
François Hollande, le mal-aimé2017-09-10
Fort Saganne1984-05-11
Les Misérables1982-10-20
Comedy of Power2006-02-22
Staircase C1985-06-06
États d'âme1986-05-28
L'amant magnifique1986-06-11
The Children of the Century1999-09-12
The Last Writer1993-11-03
Thinking of You1993-06-01
Hell Train1985-01-09
Le Furet2003-10-29
The King's Whore1990-11-14
Deep Water1981-12-16
Total Khéops2002-07-03
Still Waters Run Deep1996-11-13
Follow My Gaze1986-04-23
Madame de Sévigné2024-02-28
Vive la sociale !1983-10-05
The Silence of the Church2013-04-10
Balle perdue1994-10-05
Des enfants dans les arbres1994-10-22
La Bonne Copine2005-11-23
Blind Spot1995-01-18
Invitation to Travel1982-06-19
Jeanne du Barry2023-05-16
L'Étrange parcours2023-11-22
Le danger d'aimer1998-11-19
La Baston1985-08-07
Santu Nicoli1983-01-01
The Roaring Forties1982-08-11
Les mots pour le dire1983-10-12
Entre Nous1983-04-06
Arsène Lupin2004-10-13
You Only Live Once2000-11-08
The Malady of Love1986-12-03
Affaire(s) à suivre...2002-06-26
Gallant Ladies1990-11-14
Adventure of Catherine C.1990-08-29
The Flight of the Phoenix1984-09-26
Les Deux Fragonard1989-04-19
Out of the Blue2007-02-08
Weep No More, My Lady1992-01-01
Lebanon, the Land of Honey and Incense1988-01-04
L'ordre du jour1993-01-01
A Still Storm1995-04-25
Dolce Fine Giornata2019-05-10
La fonte des neiges2004-01-04
Blanc de Chine1988-04-20
Taking Sides2002-03-07
Female Agents2008-02-08
Forgery and the Use of Forgeries1990-08-22
L'enfant perdu1997-10-11
Crédit bonheur1996-09-18
La femme d'un seul homme1998-05-02
La duchesse de Langeais1995-09-07
Le Soulier de Satin1987-07-09