Eva Trejtnarová-Hudečková1949-12-03
Dievča z jazera1979-04-06
Angel in a Devil's Body1984-02-01
Crime at the Girls School1966-02-18
A Nice Plate of Spinach1977-09-09
Malé letní blues1968-06-14
Svatby pana Voka1971-03-26
Jezdec formule risk1973-09-07
Čas lásky a naděje1976-09-17
Tažní ptáci1984-01-29
Wine Working1976-04-30
Hubert the Smart Boy1985-06-01
Scalpel, Please1986-03-01
How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer1975-03-01
We'll Kick Up a Fuss Tomorrow, Darling...1976-11-19
Dvě věci pro život1973-02-23
The Case of Dead Schoolmates1977-02-18
People from the Subway1974-05-17