Dmitriy Orlovskiy1906-10-18
Plead Guilty1983-04-02
Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin1981-09-01
Vasiliy Buslaev1982-12-01
Let's Talk, Brother...1979-07-26
Andrei Rublev1966-12-16
Primary Russia1986-03-31
The Garage1979-11-23
Incognito from St.Petersburg1978-07-17
The Lynx Follows the Path1982-01-01
Одна на миллион1992-10-12
The Path Towards Uninterested Love1972-04-05
The Lynx Returns1986-01-01
A Bus Driver1983-06-12
Daughter of Strution1965-02-15
Start Liquidation1983-03-12
The Dodgers1988-04-11
Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat1976-06-21
На таёжных ветрах1979-09-01
The Judgment1962-07-11
An Optimistic Tragedy1963-06-12
If You Are a Man1972-05-29
The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers1968-11-04
A Leap Year1961-12-25
Accused of Murder1969-08-20
Stepan Razin1939-02-09
The Flight1971-01-14