Gustavo Bueno1951-08-05
Red Ink2000-10-17
A Naked Body2008-11-13
Busco novia2022-11-18
La captura del siglo1996-07-01
La boca del lobo1988-12-08
Knives in the Sky2013-01-31
Django: La otra cara2002-06-26
We Are All Stars1993-06-30
Friends in a hurry2018-10-18
Dos Besos2015-09-03
Margarita 22018-08-02
The Erection of Toribio Bardelli2023-10-26
Black Butterfly2006-11-01
A Giant Adventure2023-01-12
La decisión de Amelia2023-08-31
Polvo enamorado2003-05-29
Ojos que no ven2003-01-01
Captain Pantoja and the Special Services1999-10-01
The Motorcycle Diaries2004-02-06
The City and the Dogs1985-07-18
Fallen from Heaven1990-09-07
Cebiche de Tiburón2017-02-02