Masato Onodera1981-09-10
DGUSA Untouchable 20092009-11-06
PWG: DDT42010-05-09
NOAH: Wrestle Magic 20242024-05-04
Dragon Gate USA: Fearless2010-01-23
Dragon Gate USA: Open the Ultimate Gate2010-03-26
Dragon Gate USA: Open the Freedom Gate2009-11-28
Dragon Gate USA: Mercury Rising2010-03-27
Dragon Gate USA: Uprising2010-05-08
Dragon Gate USA: Open The Northern Gate2010-05-07
Dragon Gate USA Enter The Dragon 2011: Second Anniversary Celebration2011-06-05
Dragon Gate USA Bushido 2011: Code of the Warrior2011-11-12
Dragon Gate USA Way of the Ronin2010-09-26
Dragon Gate USA Enter the Dragon 20102010-07-24
Dragon Gate USA United: NYC2011-01-28
Dragon Gate USA Freedom Fight 20102010-10-30
Dragon Gate USA REVOLT! 20112011-11-11
Dragon Gate USA United: Philly2011-01-29
Dragon Gate USA United: Finale2011-01-30
Dragon Gate USA Way of the Ronin 20112011-09-11
Dragon Gate USA Uprising 20112011-06-04