Lule Warrenton1862-07-21
The Wilderness Trail1919-07-06
$5,000 Reward1918-05-25
Her Bitter Cup1916-04-17
Eleanor's Catch1916-07-01
The Werewolf1913-12-13
The Eleventh Hour1915-01-10
Ladies Must Live1921-10-29
Blind Hearts1921-10-03
The Secret of the Swamp1916-07-31
Bobbie of the Ballet1916-06-12
Drugged Waters1916-03-20
The Gilded Spider1916-05-08
It Happened in Honolulu1916-06-26
Princess Virtue1917-11-12
The Silent Lady1917-12-10
Daughter Angele1918-08-25
The Jew's Christmas1913-12-18
Calvert's Valley1922-10-08
Across the Footlights1915-06-13
The Frame-Up1915-11-08
A Soul Enslaved1916-01-24
Be a Little Sport1919-06-29