Sonja Oppenhagen1948-11-12
Tove’s Room2023-06-22
Magic in Town1968-10-11
Kid Gang on the Go1971-10-15
Six Kids and Their Uncle1966-09-30
Six Kids and the Honeymooners1967-10-13
The Heir to Næsbygaard1965-12-17
Den kyske levemand1974-02-07
Dummy Partner1976-08-27
Flaming Fire Chief1976-02-20
Hjælp - min datter vil giftes1993-04-02
Crumb at a Gallop1992-12-04
The Crumbs1991-10-04
Love at First Hiccough1999-10-15
The Wake2023-08-28
The Snooks in the Limelight1994-10-07
Den anden Dirch2019-12-27