Jerzy Radziwiłowicz1950-09-08
No End1985-06-17
Man of Marble1977-02-25
Man of Iron1981-07-27
Sędziowie. Tragedya1974-11-29
On the Move1979-11-22
Godard's Passion1982-05-26
Talking Heads 20212021-09-23
Pars Pro Toto2018-09-07
Death as a Slice of Bread1994-05-07
Poznań 561996-11-28
The Story of Marie and Julien2003-09-10
The Goldman Case2023-06-07
Kamień na kamieniu1995-01-01
The Seventh Room1996-06-06
The Possessed1988-02-24
Secrets Shared with a Stranger1996-06-14
Poor George1993-02-26
An All Round Maid1981-01-01
The Wicket Gate1973-01-01
In Broad Daylight1981-03-16
Man of the Crowds2001-04-18
The Lynx1982-03-15
Le grand paysage d'Alexis Droeven1990-01-11
The Black Beach2001-04-08
An Air So Pure1997-09-03
Walesa: Man of Hope2013-09-23
Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease2000-09-08
Point of View1980-04-01
The Naked King - 18 Fragments on Revolution2019-09-12
Secret Defense1998-03-18
Strawberry Wine2009-05-08
Scénario du film Passion1982-01-28
Without Anesthesia1978-11-27
Reverse Gear1978-06-02
Les Mains d'Andréa2006-11-23
Crime and Punishment1987-04-13
Passion, le travail et l'amour: Introduction à un scénario1982-05-05