Otto Brandenburg1934-09-04
Rubber Tarzan1981-10-15
The Goldcabbage Family1975-01-01
The Goldcabbage Family Gets the Vote1977-10-17
Benny's Bathtub1971-03-06
The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Bear2002-12-18
Don Olsen kommer til byen1964-12-18
Three Angels and Five Lions1982-12-17
Mine tossede drenge1961-03-17
Circleen - Mice & Romance2000-02-10
Circleen - City Mouse1998-12-10
Me and Charly1978-03-19
Emma's Shadow1988-01-01
The Kingdom1994-11-24
The Kingdom II1997-11-01
Har du set Alice?1981-09-28
The Secret Weapon1995-02-03
Black Harvest1993-11-05
Oh, to Be on the Bandwagon!1972-09-12
Tjenstlig tavshed1984-04-23
Sofies skolegang1977-08-16
Tilløkke Herbert!1974-01-22
Mændenes Forbund1981-05-17
Prop and Berta2001-01-26
Justine and Juliette1975-06-16
Hans Christian Andersen and the Long Shadow1998-01-15
Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie1971-08-29
Sømand i knibe1960-09-19
In the Sign of the Taurus1974-07-18
Bejleren - en jysk røverhistorie1975-08-08
Dummy Partner1976-08-27
Lenin, You Rascal, You1972-02-15
Me and the Mafia1973-12-14
Girls at Arms1975-08-20
The Ghost Train1976-08-13
Jumpin' at the Bedside1976-01-28
Bedside Sailors1976-10-10
Bedside Dentist1971-09-03
Watch Your Back, Professor!1977-08-19
Prinsesse for en dag1962-03-16
Did Somebody Laugh?1978-09-14
Næste stop paradis1980-11-17
Ballerup Boulevard1986-10-03
Kærlighed uden stop1989-02-03
Children of the Warriors1979-08-26
Med kærlig hilsen1971-08-19
The Mad Dane1969-11-17
Revolutionen i vandkanten1971-03-22