Radoslav Brzobohatý1932-09-13
Bílá spona1961-06-16
O moravské zemi1978-02-24
Oddechový čas1978-04-14
Snowdrops and Aces1983-03-01
The Divine Emma1979-12-21
I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen1970-02-27
Postavení mimo hru1979-12-28
All My Good Countrymen1969-07-04
Burglar and Umbrella1971-04-09
Deň, ktorý neumrie1974-08-23
Prince and the Evening Star1979-10-19
Kohout plaší smrt1962-05-18
Devilish Luck 22001-02-01
Legenda o lietajúcom Cypriánovi2010-07-29
The Ear1990-01-01
The King of Kings1963-07-12
Bastardi 22011-10-27
Oldies but Goldies2012-04-12
Místenka bez návratu1965-02-19
Angel in a Devil's Body1984-02-01
Cesta peklem1995-05-25
Škola hříšníků1966-01-14
A Killer on the Tracks1970-08-14
Return to Paradise Lost1999-05-27
Noc smaragdového měsíce1985-08-01
Month's Rulers2013-10-15
Dark Sun1980-09-19
The Damned House of Hajn1989-09-01
The Seven Ravens1993-01-01
Night Riders1981-06-26
Na konci světa1975-12-26
The Golden Fern1963-08-29
Běž, ať ti neuteče1977-04-22
The Murderer Hides His Face1966-10-28
Putování Jana Amose1983-10-01
Fair Play1987-08-01
O princezně z Rimini1999-12-19
Lady on the Tracks1966-09-30
Resolution 8192008-10-27
Seven Days in a Week1965-03-25
Nobody Will Laugh1966-02-04
Dva na koni, jeden na oslu1987-02-01
Caught by Night1986-05-01
The House of Lost Souls1967-10-20
The Giraffe in the Window1968-11-22
Scalpel, Please1986-03-01
V erbu lvice1995-04-11
Searching for Ester2005-04-12
Vím, že jsi vrah...1972-01-21
Golden Eels2007-02-08
Sněženky a machři po 25 letech2008-12-18
The World Knows Nothing1988-09-01
Helluva Good Luck1999-03-04
A Star Named Wormwood1965-02-26
Blue Planet1980-01-25
Kat nepočká1972-03-15
Svatba s podmínkou1965-12-03
Wolfgang A. Mozart1991-12-01
Schůzka se stíny1983-09-01
A Leap In The Dark1964-08-28
Muž s orlem a slepicí1978-12-22
An Angel Seduces the Devil1988-11-01