Joseph Burke1870-08-08
Come on In1918-09-22
Fascinating Youth1926-03-17
Independence, B'Gosh1918-12-08
The Pinch Hitter1925-12-13
Help! Help! Police!1919-04-27
The Awakening of Ruth1917-09-17
Obey Your Husband1928-05-15
Life or Honor?1918-03-01
Chris and His Wonderful Lamp1917-07-14
The Royal Rider1929-02-17
The Trap1919-08-10
The White Rose1923-05-21
The City of Illusion1916-01-01
Hangman's House1928-05-13
The Immortal Flame1916-02-01
De Luxe Annie1918-05-19
Through the Toils1919-06-08
Pied Piper Malone1924-02-04
His Children's Children1923-11-04
The Perfect Woman1920-07-01
'Morning, Judge1926-09-01
The Lucky Devil1925-07-13
South Of Panama1928-11-14
Cecilia of the Pink Roses1918-06-02
Too Many Kisses1925-01-11
The Adventurous Sex1925-06-12
Clarissa's Charming Calf1915-11-04
Blow Your Horn1916-06-20
West of the Water Tower1924-01-06