Karel Höger1909-06-17
Sedmého dne večer1975-01-31
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen1962-07-01
Vintage Car1957-03-29
A Face in the Window1963-12-25
A Night at Karlstein1974-07-12
Kohout plaší smrt1962-05-18
A Life at Stake1956-11-23
Fortress on the Rhine1962-12-21
Fugue on the Black Keys1965-01-01
Golden Queen1965-10-22
Čtyři v kruhu1968-02-02
The Plain Old Maid1959-06-12
Svatba bez prstýnku1972-05-05
Pokus o vraždu1973-10-12
Butterflies Do Not Live Here1958-02-25
Ticket to the Memorial1975-01-01
I, Justice1968-04-12
Profesoři za školou1976-08-06
Where an Alibi Is Not Everything1961-07-28
Honor and Glory1969-01-24
Jan Žižka1956-02-05
Spanilá jízda1963-09-06
Dita Saxová1968-02-23
A 105 p.c. Alibi1959-11-20
Old Czech Legends1953-09-11
Čtrnáctý u stolu1943-09-24
Alibi on the Lake1966-01-21
Nahá pastýřka1966-12-30
Modrý závoj1941-12-23
Jan Hus1955-04-29
From My Life1955-10-28
Lost in the Suburbs1949-01-28
Romeo a Julie na konci listopadu1972-06-23
30 Maidens and Pythagoras1977-09-16
The Road Leads to Tibet1956-12-07
Za tichých nocí1941-01-17
The Pig Shepard1957-01-01
Komedie s Klikou1964-11-13
Every Penny Counts1961-09-29
The Incendiary's Daughter1941-03-21
Hry a sny1959-03-20
Mikoláš Aleš1952-01-11
A Week in the Quiet House1947-08-22
Kavárna na hlavní třídě1954-01-22
Přehlídce velím já!1969-06-20
How Dog Tore His Pants1951-07-06
How Dog With Cat Baked a Cake1951-11-30
Johnny's Journey1957-03-15
Občan Brych1959-02-20
A Dead Man among the Living1947-02-14
About The Proud Nightgown1952-03-07
How a Dog And a Cat Washed The Floor1951-08-31
About The Doll That Wept Thinly1955-06-14
How a Dog And a Cat Used To Write1955-06-14
Kam s ním?1956-12-14
Silvery Wind1956-11-30
Jarní povětří1961-02-24
The Road Back1959-04-17
Zde jsou lvi1958-08-08