Olga Lysenko1941-05-10
Magic Night1959-05-13
Lara Fabian - Mademoiselle Zhivago2013-04-05
Szlachetna krew1990-03-01
War Under the Roofs1967-01-01
Three Funny Sessions1977-06-06
The Green Van1983-12-28
Saga of the Ancient Bulgars: The Ladder of Vladimir the Red Sun2004-12-31
The Green Van1959-12-19
The Black Castle Olshansky1984-01-03
Certified: No Mines1965-05-09
I Accept the War1963-07-01
Lyudi na bolote1981-01-01
Рассказы о юности1961-07-03
I've Bought Myself a Father1963-04-28
Узники Бомона1970-01-01
Мы с Вулканом1970-03-25
Fairies' Autumn Gift1984-07-12
I'll Take Your Pain1981-11-10
Sons Go Into Battle1971-09-29
В профиль и анфас (Киноальманах)1977-10-20