Sergio Graziani1930-11-10
Ma che colpa abbiamo noi2003-01-10
Il registratore1975-05-03
Secrets of the State2003-09-02
The Unlikely Prince2013-02-09
Goodnight, Ladies and Gentlemen1976-10-28
Il mio amico Babbo Natale 22006-12-22
The Tempter1974-11-22
Il mio amico Babbo Natale2005-12-19
Tutta colpa della musica2011-09-09
A Rather Complicated Girl1969-02-07
Elective Affinities1978-10-03
The Five Days1973-12-20
The Butterfly's Dream1994-03-24
The Conformist1970-07-01
Segretario Particolare2007-02-09