Oleg Mokshantsev1924-12-30
Private Life1982-08-21
Night Watch2004-07-08
Death Comes to Take Off1983-02-14
Из жизни Потапова1986-02-01
There Will Be No Leave Today1959-05-09
The Outskirts1998-10-04
Hercules and Admetus1986-02-09
Lingonberries in the Forest1989-10-01
The Red Tent1969-12-23
The "Actor's" Last Tour1980-08-14
The Boy from the Schooner 'Columbus'1964-05-07
Я — Водолаз-21976-07-26
Above the Desert Sky1964-12-09
Tell Me, Jupiter!..1989-01-01
The Lynx Returns1987-06-15
On the roads of war1959-01-05
The Letter1965-11-07
Морской характер1970-10-13
Streak of Luck1983-01-01
Angebot aus Schenectady1971-02-07
Ruslan and Ludmila1972-10-12
The Dodgers1988-04-11
A Special Unit1984-09-10
A Royal Regatta1966-11-27
The Rescued Generation1960-01-04
The Old House1970-03-23
To Save the City1976-10-11
The Golden Echelon1959-11-04
A Bragging Ant1962-12-28
The Elephant Got Lost1984-10-12
The City Is Accepted1979-06-06