Eva Klepáčová1933-05-02
Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea1977-08-12
Paragraf 2241980-06-20
Playing with the Devil1957-04-26
That Instant, That While1981-05-15
Když rozvod, tak rozvod1983-04-01
Bylo nás deset1963-08-16
For Boys Only Is for Girls Too1964-06-05
Prague Blues1963-11-15
Sign of the Cancer1967-05-05
The Phantom of Morrisville1966-07-15
Přísně tajné premiéry1968-01-26
Dita Saxová1968-02-23
Konec cesty1960-03-11
It's Not Me1986-08-01
The Circus Will Be1954-10-15
Tenkrát o vánocích1958-12-05
The Goalkeeper Lives On Our Street1957-12-06
The Young Lady from the Riverside1959-12-25
Zaostřit prosím!1956-12-25
Once Upon a Time, There Was a King...1955-02-11
Na konci města1955-03-11
Provisional Liberty1958-05-16
Přátelé bermudského trojúhelníku1987-07-01
How Poets Are Enjoying Their Lives1988-06-01