Zoltán GregussUnknown
Guns and Doves1961-09-13
Professor Hannibal1956-10-18
Sweet Anna1958-11-06
My Daughter Is Different1937-11-14
A gazdátlan asszony1944-01-01
Fekete gyémántok1938-01-01
Knight of the TV-screen1970-01-04
The Five-Forty1939-09-12
Liberated Land1951-03-30
Two Nights of Maria1940-09-04
A protektor1976-04-19
Sutyi, the Lucky Child1937-12-01
Uz Bence1938-11-18
The Man of Gold1962-12-13
Tale on the 12 Points1957-02-07
Opium Waltz1943-06-17
Palacsintás király1973-12-19
Underground Colony1951-09-15
Kojak in Budapest1980-06-05
There Was Once a Family1972-04-20
Daughter of the Night1942-01-01
Leila and Gábor1956-08-22
Erdélyi kastély1940-01-01
Pénz beszél1940-01-01
Feleségképzés anno 19041970-01-01