Max Phipps1939-11-18
Mad Max 21981-12-24
Nate and Hayes1983-11-18
The Cars That Ate Paris1974-10-10
Dark Age1987-05-21
Sky Pirates1986-01-16
Police State1989-06-15
The Blue Lightning1986-05-07
What the Moon Saw1990-12-26
The Return of Captain Invincible1983-01-28
Hancock Down Under1972-01-25
My Brother Tom1986-09-22
Filipina Dreamgirls1991-09-15
How Wonderful1990-01-01
Who Killed Baby Azaria?1983-03-01
Dead Easy1982-09-13
Benny Hill Down Under1977-10-11
Emoh Ruo1985-09-12
Sky Trackers1990-01-01
The Siege of Barton's Bathroom1983-01-01