Malachi Throne1928-12-01
Code Name: Heraclitus1967-01-01
Star Trek: The Cage1965-02-01
Primary Motive1992-08-02
Frasier, the Sensuous Lion1973-06-19
A Time For Love1973-03-03
Eat and Run1987-02-20
The Sex Symbol1974-09-17
The Doomsday Flight1966-12-13
Mystery Woman: In the Shadows2007-01-13
The Greatest1977-05-17
Six Hundred and Sixty-Six1972-06-15
Six Hundred and Sixty-Six1972-06-15
The Passion of Dracula1980-01-01
Catch Me If You Can2002-12-16
The Young Lovers1964-11-12
Beau Geste1966-09-02
Assault on the Wayne1971-01-12
It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman!1975-02-21
The Bionic Woman1975-03-16
Star Trek: The Menagerie1985-01-01