Manuel Cavaco1944-06-14
Sunset: The Mystery of the Necklace of São Cajó2023-08-03
Manhã Submersa1980-10-17
Os Abismos da Meia-Noite1984-01-27
Ballad of Dog Beach1987-03-12
The Bewitching Braid1996-07-15
Além do Sol Posto2022-09-05
The Home Fairy2022-10-05
Podia Ter Esperado por Agosto2024-07-18
Mother Knows Best2016-12-08
O Segredo das Pedras Vivas2016-09-10
Ao Sul1995-04-25
Guerra do Mirandum1981-09-09
Matar Saudades1988-01-01
Goodbye Princess1992-05-01
Antes a Sorte Que Tal Morte1981-09-17
Blood Lines2018-07-26
The Courtyard of the Ballads2015-07-30
A Luxury Crime1991-04-19
Aqui D'El Rei!1992-04-24