Kerry Adkisson1960-02-03
WWE WrestleFest '911991-07-25
WWE Crunch Classic1992-05-28
WWE SuperTape vol. 31991-01-24
WWE SuperTape vol. 41991-05-23
WWF Bashed in the USA1993-06-23
WWE Rampage '911991-10-24
WWE World Tour 19921992-08-27
WWE WrestleMania VII1991-03-24
WWE Royal Rumble 19911991-01-19
WWE SummerSlam 19911991-08-26
WWE SummerSlam 19901990-08-27
WWE Survivor Series 19901990-11-22
Heroes of World Class2006-12-26
AWA Super Clash1985-09-25
Faded Glory: The Von Erich Story2000-03-26
Giants, Midgets, Heroes and Villains II2008-01-22
Problem Child1990-07-27
AWA SuperClash III1988-12-13
WWE: Allied Powers - The World's Greatest Tag Teams2009-01-01
The Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling2007-12-11
Nature Boy Ric Flair - The Definitive Collection2008-07-08
It's Good To Be The King: The Jerry Lawler Story2015-05-19
WWE U.K. Rampage 19911991-04-21
WWE Battle Royal at the Albert Hall1991-10-03
WWE Survivor Series 19911991-11-27
ECW/WWA Battle of the Belts1993-01-23
WWE Royal Rumble 19921992-01-19
SWS WrestleFest