Dennis Knight1968-12-26
WWE Royal Rumble 19981998-01-18
WWE Action Zone!1997-01-01
WWE WrestleMania XII1996-03-31
WWE WrestleMania 131997-03-23
WWE Royal Rumble 19971997-01-19
WWE Badd Blood: In Your House1997-10-05
WWE Survivor Series 19991999-11-14
WWE Breakdown: In Your House1998-09-27
WWE St. Valentine's Day Massacre: In Your House1999-02-14
WWE Backlash: In Your House1999-04-25
WWE No Mercy (UK) 19991999-05-16
WWE Fully Loaded 19991999-07-25
WWE No Mercy 19991999-10-17
WWE SummerSlam 19961996-08-17
WWE Survivor Series 19961996-11-17
WWE In Your House 13: Final Four1997-02-16
WWE SummerSlam 19971997-08-02
WWE In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede1997-07-06
WWE No Mercy 20002000-10-22
WWE Survivor Series 19971997-11-09
WWE SummerSlam 19981998-08-30
WWE Mayhem in Manchester1998-04-03
WCW Starrcade 19931993-12-27
Best Of Raw • Volume One1996-12-01
WWE Fully Loaded: In Your House1998-07-26
WWE No Way Out of Texas: In Your House1998-02-15
WWE WrestleMania XIV1998-03-29
WWE In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies1996-04-28
WWE King of the Ring 19961996-06-23
WCW Beach Blast 19931993-07-18
WCW Battle Bowl1993-11-20
WCW Clash of The Champions XXVII1994-06-23
WWE Ground Zero: In Your House1997-09-07
WWE One Night Only1997-09-20
WWE SummerSlam 19991999-08-22
WWE Survivor Series 20202020-11-22