Lee Chi-KitUnknown
The Return of Pom Pom1984-06-22
The Tigers1991-07-02
Carry on Pickpocket1982-03-31
Magic Cop1990-11-01
Mr. Vampire III1987-12-17
The Owl vs Bombo1984-12-12
Mr. Vampire II1986-08-15
Mr Vampire 19921992-08-08
Vampire Vs. Vampire1989-07-26
Magic Cop1990-11-01
Lady Reporter1989-04-28
My Lucky Stars1985-02-10
Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars1985-08-15
Paper Marriage1988-03-31
The Dead and the Deadly1982-12-22
My Cousin, the Ghost1987-01-09
As Tears Go By1988-06-09
Yes, Madam!1985-11-30
Heart of Dragon1985-09-14
Winners & Sinners1983-07-07
Burning Sensation1989-05-06
Pom Pom1984-02-22
Hong Kong 19411984-11-02
The Days of Being Dumb1992-08-06