George Alexandru1957-11-21
Sundays on Leave1993-05-26
The Survivor2008-04-10
Fox: Hunter1993-01-01
Chained Justice1984-09-10
Quod erat demonstrandum2014-03-20
Huntress: Spirit of the Night1995-12-10
François Villon: The Maverick Poet1987-01-01
Proud Heritage1989-11-17
Codin si Chira Chiralina1994-12-02
The Death Triangle1999-05-21
The Silver Mask1985-05-25
The Man of the Day1997-11-14
Everyday God Kisses Us on the Mouth2002-10-03
The Crown of Fire1990-05-28
Forgotten by God1990-01-01
The Last Assault1985-01-01
The Famous Paparazzo1999-11-09
Drumeț în calea lupilor1990-04-16
Happy End2006-12-01
Sindromul Timișoara2004-12-17
Three days 'till Christmas2012-12-14