Josef Somr1934-04-15
Closely Watched Trains1966-11-18
Já jsem Stěna smrti1979-06-08
Proč nevěřit na zázraky1978-04-21
Radost až do rána1979-03-23
The Snowdrop Festival1984-01-01
The Three Veterans1984-07-01
Postavení mimo hru1979-12-28
Dva muži hlásí příchod1975-09-26
Of Parents and Children2008-03-06
How Poets Are Enjoying Their Lives1988-06-01
A Nice Plate of Spinach1977-09-09
I'm All Good2008-05-05
Svatba na bitevním poli2008-01-10
Něco je ve vzduchu1981-05-08
How the World Is Losing Poets1982-11-12
Konec básníků v Čechách...1993-07-22
How Poets Are Losing Their Illusions1985-04-01
The Poets Never Lose Hope2004-01-22
The Devil Knows Why2003-02-27
The Joke1969-02-28
Mature Wine1981-07-31
Velká sázka o malé pivo1982-01-09
The Last One Will Go to Hell1982-07-23
Oldies but Goldies2012-04-12
Angel in a Devil's Body1984-02-01
Attention, Rounds!1982-04-23
A Man Who Rose in Price1968-06-28
Prague Nights1969-06-06
Královský slib2001-09-13
Fools and a Girl1988-10-10
Waiting for the Rain1978-10-13
Oil Lamps1971-11-05
The Death of Black King1972-03-31
Blázni, vodníci a podvodníci1981-05-29
Touha Sherlocka Holmese1972-03-03
A Star Is Falling Upwards1975-08-29
Lucky Loser2012-12-25
The Blacksmith from Woodham2013-05-16
The Great Unknown1970-10-23
Půlnoční kolona1973-05-25
Vodník a Karolínka2010-12-26
Days of Betrayal1973-04-27
The Liberation of Prague1977-05-06
The Valley of the Bees1968-05-17
Smoke on the Potato Fields1977-04-15
Kačenka a zase ta strašidla1993-04-01
Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně1975-02-14
Boys Will Be Boys1976-03-19
Half a House Without a Groom1981-03-20
Murder in the Excelsior Hotel1971-10-08
Na konci světa1975-12-26
Plavení hříbat1976-06-11
Miss Golem1973-03-30
Pomerančový kluk1976-02-06
Max, Sally and the Magic Phone2001-10-10
Ghosts of the Dormers1987-01-15
The End of Old Times1989-01-01
Smrt mouchy1977-04-01
Summer with a Cowboy1976-10-15
Monkey's Playtime1978-02-10
Paper Sleeve1993-08-01
Hřbitov pro cizince1991-05-14
Indians from Vetrov1979-09-07
Private Torment1967-12-22
One of Them Is the Murderer1971-04-23
Hubert the Smart Boy1985-06-01
Funeral Ceremony1969-01-01
The Oddsockeaters2016-10-20
The Giants1970-09-11
The Motive for Murder1975-04-04
Rok na vsi1997-01-18
Young Wine1986-09-01
Hotel for Strangers1967-03-24
The Secret of Steel City1979-05-11
Black Barons1992-06-04
My Sweet Little Village1985-08-01
Little Witch on a Broomstick2011-09-15
Spravedlivý Bohumil1998-12-31
The Ninth Heart1979-04-13
Tažní ptáci1984-01-29
The Divine Emma1979-12-21
30 Maidens and Pythagoras1977-09-16
Silvestr svobodného pána1979-01-01
Sbohem, Sokrate1991-01-01
Dům U Zlatého úsvitu2009-12-25
Čas pracuje pro vraha1980-02-01
Velký případ2000-01-02
Those Wonderful Movie Cranks1979-08-03
Kam nikdo nesmí1979-11-16
Eugene among Us1990-10-01
Fruit of Paradise1970-07-31
Maharal – Tajemství talismanu2007-02-15
Dobří holubi se vracejí1988-12-22
Zatykač na královnu1974-04-05
Naši furianti1983-01-01
Zdivočelá země1997-11-13
Rainbow Kulick1985-12-23
Where the Early Bird Catches the Worm1987-03-01
Můj hříšný muž1987-07-01