André Deed1879-02-22
Boireau et la gigolette1912-12-16
Robinson Crusoe1902-12-20
La rose effeuillée1937-06-18
The Mechanical Man1921-11-01
The Delights of the Shoot1910-01-15
Cretinetti che bello!1909-01-01
Come fu che l'ingordigia rovinò il Natale a Cretinetti1910-12-16
The Fear of Zeppelins1915-11-01
Gribouille redevient Boireau1912-01-02
Cretinetti the Wrestler1909-06-26
Modern Sculptors1908-01-31
Come Cretinetti paga i debiti1909-03-31
An Extraordinary Dislocation1901-02-01
Two Girls Are in Love with Foolshead1911-05-19
The Inexperienced Chauffeur1906-09-24
The Devil's Son Has a Wedding in Paris1906-09-20
Just Leon1932-09-30
Il Natale di Cretinetti1909-12-26
Il Natale di Cretinetti1911-12-31
Boireau on a Scientific Mission1912-01-01
Cretinetti cerca un duello1909-02-01
Our Band's Going to the Competition1907-07-25
Jim's Apprenticeship1907-05-24
The Kingdom of the Fairies1903-07-25
Aladdin and His Wonder Lamp1906-10-25
Boireau swordsman1913-05-16