Teresa Saponangelo1973-10-22
I nostri ieri2023-02-09
Le acrobate1997-04-18
Sacred Silence1996-09-05
Come Undone2010-04-30
Te lo leggo negli occhi2004-09-03
Birds Flying East2024-04-05
We Want Roses Too2008-03-07
Political Target2006-05-22
Tutto l'amore che c'è2000-03-24
The Dust of Naples1998-06-01
In principio erano le mutande1999-05-07
Born for You2023-10-05
The Black Sheep2010-10-01
I limoni d'inverno2023-11-30
The Stuff of Dreams2016-12-01
Black and White2008-01-11
The Major Fisherman2016-02-08
August Vacation1996-04-05
The Vesuvians1997-06-27
A Whole Life Ahead2008-03-28
Il bene mio2018-09-14
Sweet Idleness1999-03-31
Basta un paio di baffi2019-01-02
A Hole in the Head2020-11-24
The Hand of God2021-11-24
Man Who Check the Meter1995-01-01