Leung Tin1932-12-01
A Simple Life2012-03-09
July Rhapsody2002-03-14
Inner Senses2002-03-28
Killer Constable1980-03-28
The Deadly Chase1973-05-30
The Last Judgement1979-04-05
Return of the Con Men1977-01-01
Simply Actors2007-06-19
Notorious Eight1981-09-03
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star1983-02-12
Two Con Men1975-04-23
Carry on Con Men1975-10-17
The Running Mob1975-10-15
Laugh in the Sleeve1975-02-08
Soul Ash1981-01-12
The Shaolin Boxer1974-06-14
No Money No Talk1977-11-24
The House of 72 Tenants1973-09-21
Hong Kong 731974-04-24
Gossip Street1974-05-17
The Chinese Tiger1974-07-19
The Great Pretenders1991-05-16
Freedom Strikes a Blow1973-03-05
The Best Hustler Wins1979-01-18
Tenants of Talkative Street1974-05-16
Curse of Evil1982-09-15