Georges Méliès1861-12-09
A Trip to the Moon1902-06-15
The Impossible Voyage1904-11-10
The Cook in Trouble1904-05-06
Cinematógrafo 19001979-11-25
El hombre que quiso ser Segundo2014-11-30
The Untamable Whiskers1904-02-05
The Living Playing Cards1905-01-06
The Infernal Cauldron1903-08-01
The One-Man Band1900-01-01
The Four Troublesome Heads1898-11-30
A Midnight Episode1899-01-01
Joan of Arc1900-08-06
A Terrible Night1896-01-01
The Haunted Castle1897-01-01
The Vanishing Lady1896-01-01
The Astronomer's Dream1898-01-01
The Conquest of the Pole1912-05-03
The Wandering Jew1904-11-25
The Haunted Castle1896-12-24
The Cinemagician, Georges Méliès2012-02-28
Ali Barbouyou and Ali Bouf, In Oil1907-05-23
A Desperate Crime1906-06-01
The Wonderful Living Fan1904-04-29
The Black Imp1905-01-27
The Monster1903-05-26
The Temptation of St. Anthony1898-01-01
The Inventor Crazybrains and His Wonderful Airship1905-12-27
The Diabolic Tenant1909-01-30
The Man with the Rubber Head1901-12-01
The Devil in a Convent1899-01-01
The Mermaid1904-05-26
Long Distance Wireless Photography1908-03-31
An Up-to-Date Conjurer1899-01-01
The Merry Frolics of Satan1906-09-07
The Fat and Lean Wrestling Match1900-01-01
The Hilarious Posters1906-04-20
The Dreyfus Affair1899-11-04
The Infernal Cakewalk1903-02-21
The Clockmaker's Dream1904-02-11
The Melomaniac1903-05-18
Summoning the Spirits1899-05-20
Extraordinary Illusions1903-09-22
Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjurer1904-04-16
Hat of Many Surprises1901-09-14
Going to Bed Under Difficulties1900-01-01
Jupiter's Thunderballs1903-08-20
The Terrible Turkish Executioner1903-12-11
The Bewitched Inn1897-01-01
Whimsical Illusions1909-12-01
The Ballet Master's Dream1903-11-10
Bob Kick, the Mischievous Kid1903-09-14
The Prolific Magical Egg1902-03-15
The Diabolical Church Window1911-10-01
Satan in Prison1907-11-01
Méliès: Tales of Terror2021-10-08
The Doctor's Secret1909-01-10
The Dwarf and the Giant1901-12-14
The Oracle of Delphi1903-05-03
A Moonlight Serenade1903-12-26
The Magician's Cavern1901-04-13
A Mesmerian Experiment1905-03-03
The Mysterious Retort1906-09-28
Playing Cards1896-01-01
An Impossible Balancing Feat1902-09-13
Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter1904-01-15
The Witch1906-12-20
Faust in the Underworld1903-12-05
The Treasures of Satan1902-07-26
The Devil and the Statue1901-12-01
The Mysterious Knight1899-01-01
The Artist and the Dummy1900-05-21
The Christmas Dream1900-08-08
Good Glue Sticks1907-09-20
The Mystical Flame1903-04-19
The Fugitive Apparitions1904-02-03
Gala Méliès1929-12-16
The Kingdom of the Fairies1903-07-25
The Eclipse: Courtship of the Sun and Moon1907-06-07
The Brahmin and the Butterfly1901-01-18
A Roadside Inn1906-05-23
The Knight of the Snow1912-12-20
The Magic Lantern1903-10-30
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea1907-02-15
Pygmalion and Galatea1898-01-01
Alcofribas, The Master Magician1903-10-03
A Nightmare1896-12-25
Tunneling the English Channel1907-06-30
Naval Combat in Greece1897-01-01
Violons d'Ingres1939-01-01
The Extraordinary Voyage2011-12-08
The Mysterious Portrait1899-01-01
The Devilish Plank1904-05-13
Tit for Tat1904-01-05
The Christmas Angel1904-12-23
Gulliver's Travels Among the Lilliputians and the Giants1902-11-22
The Human Fly1902-08-09
The Prince of Magicians1901-06-22
A Wager Between Two Magicians, or, Jealous of Myself1904-01-13
Cleopatra's Tomb1899-01-01
Rip's Dream1905-11-14
Robinson Crusoe1902-12-20
The Palace of the Arabian Nights1905-06-10
The Mysterious Box1903-02-27
The Wizard, the Prince and the Good Fairy1900-01-01
Tribulations; or, The Misfortunes of a Cobbler1908-07-02
The Triple Headed Lady1901-01-25
The Pillar of Fire1899-01-01
The Méliès Mystery2021-01-02
Between Calais and Dover1897-01-01
The Magician1898-01-01
The Famous Box Trick1898-01-01
The Magic Book1900-01-01
Misfortune Never Comes Alone1903-02-02
The Marvellous Wreath1903-01-18
A Fantastical Meal1900-01-01
The Triple Conjurer and the Living Head1900-01-01
The Firefall1904-12-01
A Collection of Silent Films, Given Sound2025-12-28
Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese2019-06-11
Sure Cure for Indigestion1902-10-25
Alcoléa & cie Documentary2024-02-21
The Lilliputian Minuet1905-02-18
Ulysses and the Giant Polyphemus1905-09-01