Sergio Solli1944-11-19
I Can Quit Whenever I Want 3: Ad Honorem2017-11-30
Salty Air2007-01-05
Sotto Sotto1984-03-01
No Thanks, Coffee Makes Me Nervous1982-11-12
And now sex2001-03-02
The Postman1994-04-07
Basta! Adesso tocca a noi1990-09-07
Pater familias2003-03-14
Ladri di futuro1992-04-17
I Can Quit Whenever I Want2014-02-06
A Joke of Destiny, Lying in Wait Around the Corner Like a Street Bandit1983-09-29
Le verità2017-04-07
E se mi comprassi una sedia?2017-05-11
32nd of December1988-01-28
A Walk in Time - The Adventure Continues1997-12-11
'o Re1989-01-27
Come Undone2010-04-30
La seconda volta non si scorda mai2008-04-11
Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy2012-03-30
A Children's Story2004-05-14
Death of a Neapolitan Mathematician1992-09-08
To Rome with Love2012-04-20
Ciao, Professore!1992-10-09
Li nepute de lu sinneco1975-01-31
Thus Spoke Bellavista1984-10-06
Effetti indesiderati2015-10-22
Box Office 3D: The Filmest of Films2011-09-09
Stregati dalla luna2001-04-13
Il mistero di Bellavista1985-01-01
Croce e delizia1995-01-01
Fondali notturni2002-10-04
A Napoli non piove mai2015-10-01
Christmas at the Cupiello Household1977-12-24