Josephine Baker1906-06-03
Joséphine Baker en couleur2005-04-23
Josephine Baker, la fleur au fusil2021-03-08
Moulin Rouge1940-12-08
Paris: The Luminous Years2010-12-14
The Fireman of the Folies-Bergere1928-03-01
Princess Tam Tam1935-11-02
Ten on Every Finger1954-10-27
Siren of the Tropics1927-12-30
Variety carousel1955-02-08
Chasing a Rainbow: The Life of Josephine Baker1987-03-24
Parisian Pleasures1927-11-29
The French Way1940-06-27
Ways to Strength and Beauty1925-03-16
Jornal Português (1938-1951)2005-12-12
Die Frauen von Folies Bergères1927-02-01
Josephine Baker: The Story of an Awakening2018-11-22
It's Black Entertainment2002-02-08
Black Shadows on a Silver Screen1975-04-19
Do I Look Like a Lady? (Comedians and Singers)2016-10-16
La folie du jour1927-02-25
Striptease: The Greatest Exotic Dancers of All Time2004-11-09
Palace Music Hall1925-01-01
Intimate Portrait: Josephine Baker1999-07-20
Modeles Noirs, Regards Blancs2020-10-14
Madness Remixed2021-06-09
Paris Was a Woman1996-02-19