Karl Stegger1913-01-11
The Olsen Gang in Jutland1971-10-08
Agent 69 Jensen in the Sign of Sagittarius1978-07-20
Agent 69 in the Sign of Scorpio1977-07-22
In the Sign of the Lion1976-07-15
In the Sign of the Gemini1975-07-17
The Last Exploits of the Olsen Gang1974-10-04
The Olsen Gang Outta Sight1977-09-30
Summer in Tyrol1964-09-25
The Goldcabbage Family1975-01-01
The Goldcabbage Family Gets the Vote1977-10-17
Girls at Arms 21976-10-11
Girls at Arms1975-08-20
Girls at Sea1977-09-16
Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run1968-08-23
The Veterinarian's Adopted Children1968-11-29
The Girl and the Playboy1965-10-15
Passer Babysitting Girls1965-07-23
Dust on the Brain1961-10-11
Dust for all the Money1963-12-13
Poeten og Lillemor i forårshumør1961-09-11
Bejleren - en jysk røverhistorie1975-08-08
Don Olsen kommer til byen1964-12-18
Kærlighedens melodi1959-08-03
Nyhavns glade gutter1967-11-24
The Egborg Girl1969-09-12
Tough Guys of the Prairie1970-08-31
Magic in Town1968-10-11
Kid Gang on the Go1971-10-15
Six Kids and Their Uncle1966-09-30
Een pige og 39 sømænd1965-11-12
Six Kids and the Honeymooners1967-10-13
Styrmand Karlsen1958-10-30
2 Minutes Late1952-08-15
The Heir1954-12-20
Father of Four: On Bornholm1959-12-26
Father of Four and the Wolf Cubs1958-11-10
Five and the Spies1969-10-13
Along Came a Soldier1969-04-07
Still Dust on the Brain1962-09-28
The Missing Clerk1971-10-29
Me and My Kid Brother and the Smugglers1968-09-12
Me and My Kid Brother and Doggie1969-12-12
A Day Without Lies1963-09-02
Life with Daddy1967-12-26
Father of Four: In the City1956-11-12
Fætrene på Torndal1973-09-07
I kongens klæ'r1954-09-24
Pigen og drømmeslottet1974-09-20
The Girl and the Viscount1966-11-25
The Poet and Lillemor and Lotte1960-05-02
The Castle1964-07-03
Fun in the Streets1969-08-01
Vagabonderne paa Bakkegaarden1958-12-19
Me and Charly1978-03-19
My Daughter Nelly1955-08-29
Jeg er sgu min egen1967-06-30
Skipper & Co.1974-12-16
Kristiane af Marstal1956-08-03
I, a Woman Part II1968-03-22
Vi har det jo dejligt1963-03-01
The Red Horses1968-12-16
Der var engang en gade1957-03-03
Crazy Paradise1962-07-26
Oh, to Be on the Bandwagon!1972-09-12
Jensen længe leve!1965-10-15
Sofies skolegang1977-08-16
Tykke Olsen1971-05-20
Taxa K-1640 efterlyses1956-08-05
Sikke'n familie1963-08-11
The Reluctant Sadist1967-03-27
Henrik and Pernille1957-12-02
Nøddebo præstegård1974-11-22
Death Comes at High Noon1964-07-31
The Song of the Red Ruby1970-03-02
The Moelleby affair1976-12-26
Drømmen om det hvide slot1962-12-26
Love Thy Neighbour1967-09-01
Me and My Kid Brother1967-12-15
Englen i sort1957-11-18
Et eventyr om tre1954-05-03
Father of Four: The Whole Shebang1961-12-15
Father of Four: And Uncle Sofus1957-11-25
Farlig ungdom1953-08-24
Father of Four: In the Countryside1955-11-07
Flemming på kostskole1961-12-22
It's Nifty in the Navy1965-09-03
Alt for kvinden1964-07-24
Helle for Lykke1969-06-27
En ven i bolignøden1965-04-08
Hold da helt ferie1965-12-26
Adam and Eve1953-04-06
In the Sign of the Taurus1974-07-18
Be Dear to Me1957-03-01
Baronessen fra benzintanken1960-09-04
Cirkus Buster1961-10-09
Den gamle mølle paa Mols1953-02-25
Bedroom Mazurka1970-08-30
Der kom en dag1955-02-17
Kassen stemmer1976-08-02
Og så er der bal bagefter1970-12-18
The Olsen Gang's Big Score1972-10-06
The Olsen Gang in a Fix1969-10-03
Majorens oppasser1964-02-14
The Man from Swan Farm1972-12-15
The Olsen Gang Sees Red1976-10-01
Me and the Mafia1973-12-14
The Olsen Gang Goes to War1978-10-06
Præsten i Vejlby1972-09-11
The Poet and the Little Mother1959-03-06
Strike First Freddy1965-12-21
Sømand i knibe1960-09-19
Our Home Is Our Castle1971-03-07
Tre piger fra Jylland1957-03-11
Da Svante forsvandt1975-12-12
Johnny Larsen1979-10-01
The Girls Are Willing1958-01-23
Jumpin' at the Bedside1976-01-28
Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface1980-03-28
Bedside Highway1972-09-15
Smedestræde 41950-09-30
Bedside Romance1973-01-01
Bedside Head1972-03-03
The Loose Tile1966-12-26
Bedside Sailors1976-10-10
Bedside Dentist1971-09-03
Biedermann og brandstifterne1965-01-17
Ild og jord1955-02-16
Kongeligt besøg1954-03-01
Watch Your Back, Professor!1977-08-19
Over gaden - neden vandet1960-12-26
Boy of Two Worlds1959-12-18
Kriminalsagen Tove Andersen1953-01-07
Kys til højre og venstre1969-03-13
Lyssky transport gennem Danmark1958-09-08
Did Somebody Laugh?1978-09-14
Tre små piger1966-08-05
Premiere i helvede1964-10-30
That Brief Summer1976-01-23
The Olsen Gang and Data-Harry Blows Up The World Bank1978-09-18
The Boy Who Loved Horses1961-11-06
Den kære familie1962-08-03
Vi arme syndere1952-04-24
Det er så yndigt at følges ad1954-12-02
Revolutionen i vandkanten1971-03-22