Mary Nell SantacroceUnknown
Carolina Skeletons1991-09-30
Summer of My German Soldier1978-10-30
Night Shadows1984-07-06
The Legend of Blood Mountain1965-09-29
Silent Cries1993-03-08
Rising Son1990-07-23
The Ordeal of Dr. Mudd1980-03-25
Something to Talk About1995-08-04
Impure Thoughts1986-11-25
One Terrific Guy1986-02-18
Wife, Mother, Murderer: The Marie Hilley Story1991-11-10
Cold Sassy Tree1989-10-16
The Private Eyes1980-04-17
A Passion for Justice: The Hazel Brannon Smith Story1994-04-17
Wise Blood1979-10-24
Stolen Babies1993-03-24
The War1994-11-04
Night of the Hunter1991-05-04
Not Without My Daughter1991-01-11
The Yearling1994-04-24