Eduard Bindas1926-01-03
If I Had a Girl1976-10-15
Pozor, ide Jozefína...1977-03-18
Poéma o svedomí1979-08-24
Cnostný Metod1980-03-31
Dialogue 20-40-601968-11-29
Niet inej cesty1968-09-20
The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora1968-05-24
Traja svedkovia1969-02-27
The Deserter and the Nomads1968-12-06
Birds, Orphans and Fools1969-09-27
Tie malé výlety1973-05-18
Majster kat1966-08-05
Prípad krásnej nerestnice1974-04-12
Život na úteku1976-08-27
Miraculous Virgin1967-01-20
A Pact with the Devil1967-12-28
V hodine dvanástej1959-08-28