Lyudmila MakarovaUnknown
The Philistines1971-01-01
The Truth! Nothing But the Truth!1969-01-01
Valentin Kataev's Humoresque1968-12-01
31st Dept.1972-01-03
Repeated Wedding1975-03-25
Beyond The Seven Mountains1981-02-16
A Story About a Simple Thing1975-06-24
The Secret of the Snow Queen1986-06-05
The Girl and the Crocodile1956-12-24
Servant of Two Masters1953-12-14
Two Sundays1964-12-17
Среди тысячи дорог1984-06-04
Fathers and Sons1959-05-04
Two Captains1955-11-16
Street Is Full of Surprises1958-01-21
Stepan Kolchugin1957-07-10
The Incredible Yehudiel Chlamydia1970-03-16