Jole FierroUnknown
Getting Away with It the Italian Way1962-05-04
The Island Monster1954-01-02
Figaro qua... Figaro là1950-10-12
Vengeance Is Mine1967-11-30
Nero and the Burning of Rome1953-08-28
Handsome Antonio1960-03-04
Viva il cinema1953-02-05
Holiday Hookers1976-01-01
Hotel Fear1978-02-16
The Castro's Abbess1974-01-02
The Beast1974-08-12
Assicurasi vergine1967-04-03
The Blue-Eyed Bandit1980-08-07
Quel fantasma di mio marito1950-02-03
Valley of the Doomed1960-04-08
The Queens1966-04-21
Salvo D'Acquisto1974-12-03