Eva Thatcher1862-03-13
That Night1917-12-16
Haystacks and Steeples1916-10-01
Lucille Love: The Girl of Mystery1914-01-02
The Blind Trail1926-01-15
The Late Lamented1917-09-23
Wedding Slips1928-01-15
Hearts and Flowers1919-06-22
Yankee Doodle in Berlin1919-03-02
A Bedroom Blunder1917-10-07
A Clever Dummy1917-07-15
Down on the Farm1920-04-17
The Count1916-09-04
Breezing Along1927-05-01
A Chapter in Her Life1923-09-17
Her Nature Dance1917-04-08
The Village Chestnut1918-01-01
Blazing Days1927-03-27
Cook, Papa, Cook1928-09-08
The Rent Collector1921-05-22
The Bakery1921-06-19