Claudio ZucchetUnknown
Burial Ground1981-01-23
Mark Strikes Again1976-10-20
The Godfather Part III1990-12-25
The Inglorious Bastards1978-02-08
And the Ship Sails On1983-10-07
Yeti: The Giant of the 20th Century1977-12-23
Balkan Runner1994-11-18
Plot of Fear1976-09-17
Weapons of Death1977-02-22
A Man Called Blade1977-08-13
The Heroin Busters1977-08-13
Fatal Fix1980-03-14
Convoy Busters1978-12-23
Palermo – Milan One Way1996-02-02
State buoni se potete1983-04-01
Beast in Space1980-05-13
I Am Afraid1977-10-06
Giallo in Venice1979-12-31
Weapons of Death1977-02-22
Crime on the Highway1982-09-30
Stunt Squad1977-07-27
The Last Round1976-12-30