Yoshiyuki Omori1972-01-06
Godzilla 2000: Millennium1999-12-11
Yankee Gurentai Nanbo no Monjai!1991-08-05
Kane nara kaesen!1994-12-08
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass1995-01-12
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 21995-12-01
チンピラぶるーす ど・アホ!1996-01-27
Tokiwa: The Manga Apartment1996-03-23
Boku-chan no senjō1985-04-04
Osaka Tough Guys1995-06-21
Free and Easy Special1994-07-16
The King of Minami: The Special Movie1995-07-01
The Revenge: A Scar That Never Disappears1997-05-31
MacArthur's Children1984-06-23
Yakuza Taxi1994-01-01
Two-Headed Devil - You're the Culprit1995-12-15
The King of Minami: First & Second Yen1993-06-26
Two-Headed Devil - Who is the True Culprit?1995-10-20
The King of Minami: Bankruptcy Takeover1994-09-10
The King of Minami: Sweet Trap1995-02-04
The King of Minami: Lovers Contract1994-07-30
The King of Minami: Loan Shark Law1993-04-23
The King of Minami: Tactical Debt1994-02-25
The King of Minami: Ginjiro vs. Liquidator1993-06-26
The King of Minami: Sham Marriage1995-03-11
The King of Minami: Futures Trading Hell1996-06-26
The King of Minami: Con Man's Fate1996-11-01
Black Suit Legend1997-07-02
The Rocking Horsemen1992-10-31
Winds of God1995-05-29
Yokohama Bakkuretai1994-03-05
Yokohama Bakkuretai: Natsu no Shounan jun'ai hen1994-09-24
Yokohama Bakkuretai: Junjô goromaki shitô hen1995-07-22
Bad Boy Blue1992-11-10
The Nagaharu Yodogawa Story: A Cineaste's Life in Kobe1999-11-07
Rainbow Bridge1993-10-09
The Strange Tale of Oyuki1992-06-06
Goodbye for Tomorrow1995-09-23
The Third Gangster1995-01-17
A Quiet Life1995-09-23
The King of Minami: Ginjiro vs. The Evil Lawyer1995-11-22
The King of Minami: City of Desire1995-09-01
Doki doki Virgin mô ichido I Love You1990-10-26
Kiko pata ton1993-10-30