Ladislav Županič1943-08-09
Paragraf 2241980-06-20
Death of Hitch-Hikers1979-10-05
Divoká svině1990-09-01
The Watermill Princess1994-06-01
The Watermill Princess 22000-02-03
Mature Wine1981-07-31
Life Without a Guitar1963-02-22
Bastardi 22011-10-27
Zelená vlna1982-06-25
10 Rules for Winning Her Heart2014-03-20
A Night at Karlstein1974-07-12
Jedlíci aneb Sto kilo lásky2013-05-02
All My Tomorrows2014-07-17
Winning Quietly1986-03-01
Vůně vanilky2002-05-05
My Sweet Little Village1985-08-01
Bad Joke 42013-10-10
Cook Up a Storm2017-02-10
Kameňák 22004-01-22
Summer with the gentleman2019-02-14
The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians1981-10-02
I Served the King of England2007-01-11
Kamarád do deště1988-08-01
Černá punčocha1987-11-01
Where the Early Bird Catches the Worm1987-03-01