Edoardo Leo1972-04-21
Still Time2023-03-16
The Desired War2022-11-10
La collezione invisibile2002-06-14
Luigi Proietti detto Gigi2022-03-03
The Move of the Penguin2014-03-06
The Order of Time2023-08-31
I peggiori giorni2023-08-14
I migliori giorni2023-01-01
We Are Cinema2021-12-16
If I May - Chapter II2024-09-01
I Can Quit Whenever I Want 2: Masterclass2017-02-02
Viva l'Italia2012-10-25
Out of the Blue2013-03-14
The Legendary Giulia and Other Miracles2015-02-19
Ti ricordi di me?2014-04-03
Perfect Strangers2016-02-11
Pane e burlesque2014-05-29
I Can Quit Whenever I Want2014-02-06
What’s the Big Deal2016-11-09
18 Years Later2010-07-04
L'Anno Mille2008-04-23
Grazie di tutto1998-04-17
I Can Quit Whenever I Want 3: Ad Honorem2017-11-30
Tutta colpa di Freud2014-01-23
Them Who?2015-11-19
Motori Ruggenti2017-07-25
Escort in Love2011-03-18
To Rome with Love2012-04-20
La classe non è acqua1997-03-14
Just Believe2018-03-29
Dentro la città2004-05-14
All You Need is Crime2019-01-10
Scrivilo sui muri2007-09-21
Ci vediamo a casa2012-12-28
Ritorno al crimine2021-06-26
Golden Men2019-11-07
The Goddess of Fortune2019-12-19
18 Presents2020-01-02
La banda2001-01-01
Il signore della truffa2011-10-03
People of Rome2003-10-31
Taxi Lovers2005-04-22
Operazione Odissea2000-02-01
I cassamortari2022-03-24
Breaking Up in Rome2021-11-30
All in That Night2004-10-08
C’era una volta il crimine2022-03-10
Power of Rome2022-04-21
I Am Not What I Am - The Tragedy of Othello by W. Shakespeare2024-11-14
Uno, nessuno, cento Nino2021-03-22
All Star - Ritorno al cinema2021-08-31
Io sono un po' matto... e tu?2024-10-07
Oltre il tempo, l'amore2024-11-08