Anita Berber1899-06-10
Eerie Tales1919-11-05
Different from the Others1919-05-28
Lucrezia Borgia1922-10-20
Different from the Others1919-05-28
Der Schädel der Pharaonentochter1920-11-11
The Golden Plague1921-11-18
Tänze des Grauens, des Lasters und der Ekstase1923-03-09
Figures of the Night1920-01-09
Around the World in 80 Days1919-03-20
Irrlichter der Tiefe1923-04-20
Ways to Strength and Beauty1925-03-16
The Story of Dida Ibsen1918-12-12
The Count of Cagliostro1920-12-21
Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler1922-04-27
Das Dreimäderlhaus1918-09-22