2023-09-07 | 95 minutes
Plot Summary
In a bustling Mexican household, seven-year-old Sol is swept up in a whirlwind of preparations for the birthday party for her father, Tona, led by her mother, aunts, and other relatives. As the day goes on, building to an event both anticipated and dreaded, Sol begins to understand the gravity of the celebration this year and watches as her family does the same.
The Kindness of Strangers
Zero for Conduct
National Mechanics
Showing Up
In Water
Enter the Clones of Bruce
Duck Season
Melvin and Howard
Copenhagen Does Not Exist
Falcon Lake
The Monk and the Gun
Palazzina LAF
Violet Evergarden: Recollections
Our Lovers
Robot Dreams
Io Capitano
The Animal Kingdom
When Evil Lurks